0 free texts?
Craig Walker
Ok this should be fixed on both Android and iOS. Make sure you update your apps when the update is released. Thanks to everyone for reporting this bug!!
Craig Walker
Merged in a post:
Unlock Memorizations for previously premium members
Craig Walker
Right now, if you purchase premium (monthly or yearly), and then cancel your membership, the memorizations that are over 5 become locked.
They should be unlocked since the person was premium at the time of creating them.
Craig Walker
in progress
Craig Walker
Merged in a post:
Memoization Locked
Ann Lee
Now I have just 1 memo.
Craig Walker
I just upped the free version to have 5 free memorizations. Can you post a screenshot, I think this is a bug. Also, is this ios or Android or the web?
Ann Lee
Craig Walker i am too have only 1 text. Using iphone and have plenty of space i left.
Craig Walker
Ann Lee this must be a bug! I’ll get a fix out today! And I’ll remove those locks. They’re kind of annoying anyways
Ann Lee
Craig Walkerthank you. Now it works!