1. Ability to edit existing tag names or delete them would greatly enhance user experience. The current method of editing a tag by creating a new one, transferring all memorizations from the old tag to the new one, and then deleting the old tag is by unchecking it from all memorizations isn't efficient and satisfaying, especially when dealing with tags containing numerous memorizations. Simplifying the process of editing tag names is essential for user convenience. Additionally, when deleting a tag, a prompt should appear, giving the user the option to either delete the associated memorizations or move them to an "Uncategorized" tag. This ensures a smoother and more intuitive management of tags and memorizations.
  2. Implement sorting options for memorizations based on edited time or priority for revision, as sorting them alphabetically may not always be the most efficient method !
  3. Fixing the issue with adding memorizations via the website. Currently, there seems to be a problem with the save button functionality (sometimes !) when a tag is selected. It should function regardless of tag selection to ensure smooth operation.
  4. Implementing the option to add subcategories within a tag would provide users with a more organized structure for their memorizations.
Although it's a great app, thanks for all members for creating this app, I'm very happy to use it as it's quite efficient.